Postdoctoral position to study mechanism of ion and lipid transport using cryo-EM available in the laboratory of Alessio Accardi at Weill Cornell Medical College in New York City

The group of Alessio Accardi is recruiting an enthusiastic postdoc who is interested in the molecular workings of phospholipid scramblases, ion channels and transporters. The successful candidate will investigate the structure and mechanism of these membrane transport proteins using single-particle cryo-EM and functional assays. The lab uses functional and structural techniques to elucidate the mechanistic bases of transmembrane ion and lipid transport using (see the recent articles below). Prior experience in cryo-EM welcome but not necessary. We are located at Weill Cornell Medical College, in the Upper East Side of Manhattan, within the vibrant tri-Institutional community, which also comprises the Rockefeller University and Memorial Sloan Kettering. Screening electron microscopes are available on site, in the newly established cryo-EM core facility at Weill Cornell, and we have full access to state-of-the-art Titan Krios microscopes for high-resolution data collection at the New York Structural Biology Center and other cost-based facilities.  

Qualifications and experience:Candidates should hold a Ph.D. and have a solid background in biophysics, electrophysiology, and/or protein biochemistry.  Experience with cryo-EM is not required but welcome. Excellent verbal and written English communication skills and ability to work in close collaboration with other researchers are required. 

Qualified applicants should send a cover letter, CV, and the names of three references by email to Alessio Accardi at

1.     Malvezzi, M., Andra, K.K., Pandey, K., Lee, B.C., Brown, A., Iqbal, R., Menon, A.K., Accardi, A. “Out of the groove transport of lipids by TMEM16 and GPCR scramblases”, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 2018, June 20, doi: 10.1073/pnas.1806721115, PMID: 29925604. **With a commentary in PNAS 2.     Lee, B.C., Kelashvili, G., Falzone, M., Menon, A. K., Weinstein, H. and Accardi, A., “Gating mechanism of the lipid pathway in a TMEM16 scramblase”, Nat Communications, 2018, 9(1):3251, doi: 10.1038/s41467-018-05724-1, PMID: 30108217.  3.     Falzone M.E., Rheinberger J., Lee, B.C., Peyear T., Sasset L., Raczkowski A.M., Eng E.T., Di Lorenzo A., Andersen O.S., Nimigean C.M., Accardi A., “Structural basis of Ca2+-dependent activation and lipid transport by a TMEM16 scramblase”, eLife, 2019;8:e43229, doi: 10.7554/eLife.43229